Thursday, January 20, 2022



"Do Not Fear" appears 365 times in the Bible ... one for every day of the year. Coincidence?

God loves you and always answers your prayers. Sometimes He will reject your request in order to protect you and redirect you to a better request and solution. Trust in Him!

God will disassemble your plans if your plans are going to disassemble you. 

We pray that God blesses your day so you may live a life that is full. "The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that you may have life and have it abundantly."

If the sun shines through a lens on a piece paper, it will produce a flame. When we pray with all of our hearts and we remain focused, God will shine His love, healing and blessings through our lens of faith. 

Because of Jesus, when we acknowledge our sins, turn completely away from them and cry out for God's mercy, He promises to forgive us. We are created in God's image but our sin blocks us from reflecting God. A broken spirit and a contrite heart begs God to remove that block so we can have a right relationship with Him.

Jesus wants all of us to depend on Him totally for all things. We will be fully blessed. He embraces us with His good will and love. 

Jesus said: "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother is liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother is liable to God's council; and whoever says, 
‘You fool!’ is liable to the hell of fire."  Matthew 5:22

God says, "My plans are to bring you prosperity, to protect you from any harm, to give you hope and to bless you with a wonderful future." Please agree with God's plan for you. Jeremiah 29:11

God is able to do for us exceedingly and abundantly and far above all things that we could ever ask or think. Ephesians 3:20

God says: “Do not be afraid or discouraged because the battle is not yours. The battle belongs to me.” Do not be afraid, or panic, or tremble for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you. These are not just words written to console us. These words are the TRUTH. Live like you can't wait to see God's resolution turn into reality. 

We have been found guilty of making the wrong choices throughout our life. Jesus defends us, suffers our punishment, declares us innocent and permits us to receive God's blessings and to share His love with each other. 

If you place God first in your life and share His unconditional love with others then you will be connected to Jesus and He will be connected to you. "You will know that I am with My Father, and you with Me, and I with you. (1John 3:24)

Be completely happy with God in your life. I repeat, be totally happy. Show everyone your loving kindness because God is in you. Do not worry about a thing. Always thank God when you ask for anything. His peace that surpasses all understanding will guard your feelings and your thoughts in Jesus Christ.  Phillipians 4:7 

The Bible says we are the ‘Temple of God’ (2 Corin 6). Christ resides in us through the Holy Spirit (Rom 8). Jesus dwells within us as we resist the temptations and habits of our old life and as we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We become like Jesus by ‘walking in the Spirit’ i.e. by using the Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to use our free will to evict the ‘old person’ and to live as Jesus lived (1 Corin 5, Eph 4).  We are “Under New Management”.

The only time we win by surrendering is when we pry our fingers loose and surrender our problem to God. We'll be at peace and we'll be more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Nothing but nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ. 

In My Father’s house there are many mansions; I tell you this because it is so. 
I am preparing a place for you and I will return to receive you Myself; 
so that you may be with me where I am. (John 14:1-3)

God says: "Your name is permanently engraved in the palm of My hand." Isaiah 49 ... 
“I give you eternal life and you will never perish; no one will ever take you out of My hand.”  John 10:28

God is always shining His love on us but we walk around with 'Umbrellas of Doubt and Fear' that prevent His rays of love from protecting us, healing us and from obtaining His answers to our prayers. Please close your umbrella so His light can shine upon you. 

What we think is a coincidence is really God in action, in a subtle way. After 100's of these coincidences, we begin to realize all of this has to be much more than just chance. It is God.

Imagine a 10 yr old child insisting that he wants to go by himself to Wall St to invest his birthday money. You explain that they cannot do it alone and that they will need guidance. This is how GOD sees us when we try to resolve problems by ourselves without His guidance, especially when there is a spiritual enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy us. 

The effect of being right with God will be peace and the result will be quietness and trust forever.” (Isaiah 32:17) Our hearts cry out to God. “Lord, I’ve never had true peace in my heart but I desperately need it. I want to live in obedience to You.” We will then develop a supernatural desire to do what God wants us to do. The result is a healthier and fuller life than we ever dreamed was possible with Jesus by our side. 

Please remove the load off your tired shoulders and let Jesus take it from you and forget about the load. It will be a great relief. Just try it for one hour. You will be amazed at the results. You will start to see changes taking place. I mean it. I promise you. I guarantee it. Then give thanks. He loves you so much.  ( ... OK how about trying it for 15 min? Believe me, it really works! )