Thursday, January 20, 2022



What is important to you in this life? Is it wealth, health, your hobbies, enjoying the luxuries of this world, developing personal talents & skills, spouse and family needs, your career (raise, promotion, power), sensual desires, your personal appearance or is it, getting to know God and becoming familiar with His Kingdom. Here is what God says: 
"My children suffer due to lack of knowledge; 1st, Seek God's Kingdom then, all these other things will be properly allotted to you."

God does not give us faith for His sake. God gives us faith for our own good. It will serve to balance the priorities in our life. It will allow God to intervene and have an important role in our lives. It will allow us to accept His Son Jesus and be filled with His blessings, healings and protection. 

Please remember that faith is a gift from God and does not come from what we do. It is a tiny seed that we accept into our hearts and it grows like a beautiful flower as we experience God in action or as others share their experiences. As the flower grows, it moves away any previous coverings that prevented its beauty from shining through. This flower comes from God and will never die. We need to water it and care for it and it will fill your garden with many beautiful flowers. When people see you, they will know that you have been touched by God. Amen

Jesus said, "Stop doubting & believe.” Thomas said, “My Lord and My God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen Me and yet believe.” This is written so you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you will have a full life in His Name. (John 20)

Jesus said: "I am telling you the sincere truth. If you believe in me, you will perform miraculous deeds like I am doing and you will perform even greater deeds than these. I will do whatever you ask for in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it." (John 14:12)

Jesus wants to give us a heart transplant. A pure, open heart that is connected to God and is full of His love.