Thursday, January 20, 2022



Jesus helps us to identify the wrong choices we make every day that separate us from God. He does not condemn us but He helps us daily to escape these old ways of thinking so we may be forgiven, be reconnected to God and live a new life full of God’s love, protection and blessings. 

God says to those who love, trust and obey Him, “No evil will overtake you and no disease will come near you and your home. I command my angels to guard you in all you do. They will lift you up and protect you from getting hurt.”  Psalm 91:10

Lord, I will never begin to understand the magnitude of Your love for me. My lack of understanding is not a prerequisite to Your promises. I will trust and wait on You, Lord with total confidence and assurance. I will be still, trust, wait and know that You are my God. 

What Jesus did for us allows us to live a life of victory. He paid for us with His blood and He will never let us go. We belong to Him and when we surrender to Jesus, we use our free will to choose God's Will and we win because we now have the Mind of Christ

I AM says, “Let the light overcome the darkness. I have told your heart that the light of the knowledge of My infinite glory is found in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corin 4:6)

The enemy makes us feel that we deserve to be in prison to make up for all the wrong we have done and continue to do in our life. Jesus reminds us what He has done for us. Once we accept the full payment Jesus made for us, we can leave prison and live a free life full of God's blessings. We must be strong in Jesus and choose to not go back to prison. 
Don't lose your freedom and salvation, choose Jesus. Live free now!

We live in darkness until we accept the love of Jesus. His light removes our darkness and we get to see ourselves more clearly. Sometimes we don't like what we see and we dim the light of Christ. Sometimes we turn it off. We start working very hard to generate our own light instead of using the light of Jesus. His light will help us to remove everything that brings darkness into our lives. Enjoy His light

PRAYER: Lord, we place our loved one in your infinite loving and healing embrace. 
In the Name of Jesuswe command all imperfect, impure and unclean elements both physical and spiritual to depart from their body right now and to never return. 
We command their body that was made in God’s image to begin to heal completely. 
Jesus, thank you for suffering for all of our afflictions and for making all things new. We now reach out to obtain that healing for our loved one. Thank you Lord, for loving them so much, in Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen

I will pray to the Lord my God and Him alone will I turn to. My life is not fulfilled only by my earthly needs and desires but by every word and promise that comes from God. I will always trust and know that I can depend on my Lord and I will never say, “God, are You really there or aren’t You?” (Based on Jesus’ scriptural responses when He was being tempted by Satan)

True Love: Jesus died for you knowing that you might choose to never love Him back. 
Be ready for His return with open arms. 

 The Lord is near to all who call on Him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who respect Him; He hears their cry and saves them.” Psalm 145:18
When we are trapped by the enemy, we pray and acknowledge that we are insufficient and we desperately need our Lord who loves us and can do ALL things to free us.